Our services
For someone trying to escape an abusive relationship, leaving is an important step — but it’s just the first step. Ruth’s House offers a safe shelter for those fleeing domestic violence. We also offer supportive counseling and court advocacy services to help these brave individuals take the next steps.
As part of our #LightTheWay campaign, we created a Victim to Survivor Toolkit. This toolkit is designed to assist victims of domestic violence from victimhood to survivorship. In this toolkit we explore each type of abuse, tips on safety planning for each, and local resources for assistance.
Domestic violence is a societal problem. To eradicate it, we need to ensure that everyone understands that violence against a romantic partner is unacceptable. That’s why we’re working in our community to offer education and outreach that show the effects of domestic violence and set a course for ending it.
Our helpline is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week for anyone affected by domestic abuse. All calls are free and confidential. Fully trained workers and volunteers provide support, information, and a listening ear. Learn more.
We offer free and confidential counseling for anyone affected by domestic abuse. This includes those who are currently or have formerly experienced domestic abuse, as well as children who have witnessed verbal, emotional, or physical abuse in their homes. Learn more.
Going to court for a protection order hearing or other domestic violence-related matter can be intimidating, especially if your abuser is present. If you would like support at your hearing or assistance with navigating your legal options, we are here to help. Learn more.
Domestic abuse can be a difficult subject to talk about, but raising awareness is critical to changing existing attitudes and preventing domestic violence. Learn more.​